Please take a look at our older videos for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. (only in german)
Data Synchronization
Some other features
Liebe Kunden, dieses Support-Portal ist geschlossen. Wir nutzen ab dem 19.10.2024 FreshService als Support-Portal. Sollten Sie hierzu keinen Einladungslink per E-Mail erhalten haben, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter
"[email protected]".
Dear customers, this support portal is closed. Starting from 19.10.2024, we will be using FreshService as our support portal. If you have not received any invitation links via email, please feel free to contact us at
"[email protected]"..
Geändert am: Mo, 22 Jul, 2019 um 12:34 NACHMITTAGS
Please take a look at our older videos for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. (only in german)
Data Synchronization
Some other features
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