Depending on the setup, so-called "ToDos" are created within Business Central. These can be created if the field "DW Doc. No." the document is released, posted or printed. In addition, "ToDos" can be created from the journal. No matter where the "ToDo" comes from, the values to be indexed are created simultaneously analogous to the "DW Index Assignment".


The "ToDo" contains all the important information about the document needed for archiving in DocuWare. Thus, the "ToDo" has a status that defines the next step of the interface (printing, archiving doc., transfer index, hole DWDID, closed, error). In addition, the record provides the information about which document type and which document number it belongs to. The "ToDo" also indicates when the document was printed and archived or went for an error.


The "Show Index Values" function provides access to the created index values that belong to this "ToDo".

The "ToDo Process" function triggers manual processing of the ToDo.

A set-up service accesses this table and processes each entry.

With the Print status, the service ensures that the document is printed as a PDF and saved to the ToDo.

The Status "Archive Doc." transfers the created index values to DocuWare and places the printed document.

The status "Hole DWDID" creates "ToDos" created from the journal. This status ensures that the service searches for this document number within DocuWare and saves the primary key from DocuWare.

The "ToDos" created with "Hole DWDID" are further processed via "Transfer Index". The service accesses the written-off primary key of the document in DocuWare and transfers the index values.

If the "ToDo" is fully processed ("Print" + "Archive Doc." or "Get DWDID" + "Transfer Index"), the "ToDo" is set to "closed".