Use this page to set up the types of documents that you want to archive. The setup is always individual according to your needs.


Below you will find an example of the following:


Set up the archiving of posted sales invoices when posting 

To set up archiving of posted sales invoices when posting, the following prerequisites must be met:

- The connection to a DocuWare archive must be successfully established (more information can be found here: Connecting to a DocuWare Archive in Business Central)

Open the Document Types page (ALT+Q > search by document type).

Create a new line and select the document type Posted Sales Invoice.

Now select the archive in which you want to store the posted sales invoices.

In the DW No. Serial Type field, specify whether the document number should be used as the DocuWare document number, or whether the number series stored in the "DocuWare Setup" should be used to generate a new document number.

Now select the archiving method for DocuWare. Work on worksheets please choose a method including import. (e.B. incoming invoice processing)

Work on documents, select a method including printing.

Set the label of the document type in DocuWare in the DW Document TypeName field.

Now activate the check mark in the Post box.

Now you have set all the information you need to archive sales invoices in the document type. Clicking on the Active field now creates a ToDo when you post sales invoices, which is processed manually or via the task queue (see here for details on how to set up automatic archiving of ToDos). The document is indexed and stored in DocuWare.