Liebe Kunden, dieses Support-Portal ist geschlossen. Wir nutzen ab dem 19.10.2024 FreshService als Support-Portal. Sollten Sie hierzu keinen Einladungslink per E-Mail erhalten haben, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter
"[email protected]".

Dear customers, this support portal is closed. Starting from 19.10.2024, we will be using FreshService as our support portal. If you have not received any invitation links via email, please feel free to contact us at
"[email protected]"..


Support services and contact persons
applabs is available for general questions via the hotline or via the helpdesk portal during general business hours, but reserves the right to refer the enq...
Mon, 14 Mar, 2022 at 11:01 AM
Optional service packages
There is an option to book standardised service packages for the introduction of DocuSign. The services are provided by DocuSign.  These are currently t...
Mon, 14 Mar, 2022 at 11:03 AM
Tutorials and videos
DocuSign offers videos on many topics on its own support website, including helpful tutorials on administration and signing:
Mon, 14 Mar, 2022 at 10:59 AM